00 N West Bay Shore, Suttons Bay, MI 49682
This property has been in the same family for over 100 years and is part of a centennial farm. This is a first time offering of an incredible 6 acre wooded parcel. With some tree removal, there would be panoramic views of Grand Traverse Bay. This parcel has 240' of private water frontage. The property is tiered with multiple options of agricultural and residential uses. This is Parcel C on the survey. Parcels B & D are also available for a total of 27 acres with 961' of private GT Bay frontage.
From Suttons Bay head north on M-22 past N Putnam Rd to sign on the left. Look for sign before white farm house. Park in the driveway of the white farm house at 3955 N West Bay Shore Dr and walk south to property.